People are not happy with the lower performance of a smartphone priced below Rs 5,000. Now, people are spending more money on smartphones in the range of Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000. We also play in that segment,” Carl said.
Ngo was in India recently to announce the company’s new budget smartphone – the Mobiistar C1 Shine. The phone, which costs Rs 6,100, features a 18:9 aspect ratio, 8MP selfie camera and a 3000mAh battery. The company said the C1 Shine will help gain volumes quickly, given the fact that it has been positioned to woo the mass market. It also plans to launch another smartphone in the coming days.
Both the phones will cater to the offline market, which according to Carl will be the key focus for the company moving forward. Mobiistar has over 500 distributors across India and about 1000 service centres.
People are not happy with the lower performance of a smartphone priced below Rs 5,000. Now, people are spending more money on smartphones in the range of Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000. We also play in that segment,” Carl said.
Ngo was in India recently to announce the company’s new budget smartphone – the Mobiistar C1 Shine. The phone, which costs Rs 6,100, features a 18:9 aspect ratio, 8MP selfie camera and a 3000mAh battery. The company said the C1 Shine will help gain volumes quickly, given the fact that it has been positioned to woo the mass market. It also plans to launch another smartphone in the coming days.
Both the phones will cater to the offline market, which according to Carl will be the key focus for the company moving forward. Mobiistar has over 500 distributors across India and about 1000 service centres.
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